Ad-Flow™ System

For aluminum smelting

Every day, Advancetex International continues to prove the benefits
of the Ad-Flow™ System in new and existing Gas Treatment Centers.

GTC primer

Gas Treatment Centers play an important role in the aluminum smelting industry beyond typical dust collector
requirements. During the aluminum reduction process, the GTC performance key duties critical to the overall.

Dry Scrubbing Alumina Charging

The GTC is responsible for reaction adsorption between hydrogen fluoride gas and alumina dust. Fabric filters are the important last contact point for the gas and alumina reaction to occur and where much of the HF charging is realized.

Alumina Dust Collection

Alumina dust that is collected from the surface of the fabric filters is recycled back into the aluminum reduction line – minimizing particulate and fluoride emissions release into the environment and maximizing the reuse of fluoride.

Emission Reduction

Efficient Gas Treatment Centers help ventilate the pots, reducing roof emissions and overall plant emissions.

The concerns

Capacity Creep

Capacity Creep

As production rates in the smelter increase, typically by increased amperage in the pots, there is a greater load placed on the gas treatment system. These increases result in compounding detrimental effects on the gas treatment system in its duties as a dust collector and as a dry scrubbing reactor.

Emission Limits

Emission Limits

Aluminum smelters are provided a license to operate based on meeting predetermined site-wide particulate and hydrogen fluoride gas emission limits. These limits are jeopardized as a result of increased production and the necessity for more frequency pulse cleaning.

3 operating modes

Constant gas flow operation

Smelter capacity creep encounters production limits due to
increased emissions from the GTC.


The problem

The increased load on the GTC, from a combination of increased temperature and reduced reaction rate (and possibly an increased alumina recycle rate) may increase GTC emissions higher than allowable with amperage creep.

The solution

Constant gas flow operation enables the full benefit of reduced filter differential pressure and reduced pulse cleaning frequency with the implementation of the Ad-Flow™ System.


Previously Achieved Reduction Results


Filter Differential Pressure


Filter Differential Pressure


Compressed Air Consumption


Particulate Emissions from the GTC

45-50 %

HF Gas Emissions from the GTC

Increased gas flow operation

Smelter capacity creep encounters production limits due to
increased emissions from the potroom roof.


The problem

As a result of amperage creep, the GTC struggles with increased gas flow and increased gas temperature. This results in higher roof emissions and many other production limitations.

The solution

After retrofitting with Ad-Flow™ technology, increasing gas flow to the GTC may be possible through fan adjustments. Although the benefits of Constant Gas Flow Operating Mode cannot be fully realized, experience has shown that measurable benefits are still possible with a gas flow increase up to 20%.


Optimized GTC operation

Smelter capacity creep encounters production limits due to
increased emissions from both the potroom roof and the GTC.


The problem

As a result of amperage creep, the GTC is unable to maintain sufficient gas flow and the adverse effect of the gas temperature increase on the HF adsorption reaction in the GTC is significant.

The solution

After retrofitting with Ad-Flow™ technology, a gas flow increase of approximately 10% often yields significant benefits in the GTC and lowers potroom roof emissions. These benefits are determined and limited by the same factors affecting the Increased Gas Flow Operation Mode.


Case studies

Australian smelter


Ad-Flow™ filters installed

A/B testing was conducted at an Australian smelter that compared Ad-Flow™ filters to their conventional filter counterparts in separate GTCs.

Reduction Results




HF Gas Emissions
from Dust Collector


HF Gas Emissions from Potline Roof


Differential Pressure


Pulse Cleaning Frequency


Compressed Air


Fan Electricity

Canadian smelter


Ad-Flow™ filters installed

A/B testing was conducted to compare Ad-Flow™ filters’ performance in Constant Gas Flow Operating Mode and Increased Gas Flow Operating Mode.
Constant Gas Flow
Increased Gas Flow (8%)

p.a. Savings


p.a. Savings

Additional considerations

New installation and construction projects can take advantage of
the many options and benefits the Ad-Flow™ System has to offer.

smelter dimensions

Smelter Dimensions

The significantly greater filtration surface per meter offered by the Ad-Flow™ System filter means the dimensional requirements of the baghouse can be reduced in new installations without affecting Can velocity. Capital equipment cost and materials savings can be significant.


Up-gradable System Design

Ad-Flow™ cages are designed to be versatile and can be used with conventional filters – allowing you to upgrade to Ad-Flow™ filters when you are ready. Ad-Flow™ cages are also scalable in size, offering additional flexibility.


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